Category: G&T Articles

Hello P.A.L [Parents of Accelerated Learners] NYC,

Welcome to PALNYC, If your child exhibits advanced abilities in reading, music, art, math or other areas, seems intensely curious or sensitive, appears bored or acts out in the general ed classroom, is already a bit too good at negotiating, or if you are simply looking for resources, programs and innovative tools to support your child’s learning needs, then you…

Every Student Succeeds Act

Everyone’s talking about the Every Student Succeeds Act, which will render No Child Left Behind virtually obsolete. According to The Atlantic: The Senate on Wednesday approved the Every Student Succeeds Act, the bill that will reauthorize the nation’s 50-year-old omnibus education law and make the “pretty-much-universally despised” No Child Left Behind obsolete. The legislation, which has already gotten the Obama administration’s…

It’s Here! The 2016 NYC Gifted & Talented ‘Right Fit’ Symposium & Benefit, March 12, 2015

Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 12, 2016 and join PALNYC and our partners at the 2016 NYC Gifted & Talented Symposium & Benefit— one day to invest in your child’s future. Update your calendar! PALNYC announces the second biennial 2016 NYC Gifted & Talented Symposium & Benefit is now on Saturday, March 12, 2016! — one day to invest in your child’s future. This day-long symposium,…

The P.A.L. Talent Showcase

We love when local media takes a moment to recognize talented youth who work hard at their craft. recently showcased a few NYC-based kids in their story, ‘Superstar City Kids Let Their Talents Shine from A Young Age.’ Parents are always looking for great resources, programs and mentors for their children, and this article provided a few great recommendations…

Young, Gifted & Neglected

If you missed the NYT op-ed by Chester E. Finn Jr., a longtime education analyst who heads the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, it’s worth a read. The good news, New York City has 24 EXAM schools that met the criteria for his study. The op-ed hits the main points that those of us who’ve found the ‘right fit for our child’ already…

More on Citywide G&T Programs

According to, the following distinctions were summarized according to parents of the Citywide schools at a PACE event this past week. And speaking of parents, if you want to chat with a parent directly about a G&T program that their child attends, whether its a Citywide, District or private school program, let us know and we’ll do our best…

30 Kids in a Classroom

What happens when you have 30 kids in a classroom? When funding is taken away; When the state of the art science lab turns from a fully functional teaching lab to a mobile cart; When the art classroom morphs into a new classroom to accommodate more students; When a teacher has 3 high achievers who will “be just fine” and…