Roadmap to High School: from Kindergarten to College, the 30,000 Foot View

To know the road ahead, ask those who are coming back.

– Chinese proverb

Public schools, independent, charter, parochial, boarding, single sex, co-ed, specialized and other school options make NYC’s educational choices a daunting proposition. Just when you think you’ve mastered kindergarten options, you find yourself navigating the next journey: elementary school, and then middle and finally high school. And before you know it, the college process will be underway.

If you weren’t one of the parents who locked into the ‘perfect fit’ K-12 school on the onset of your child’s journey, you’ve probably realized there is no handbook or roadmap to navigate each intersection along the way. So we’re here to help break it down into a digestible, step-by-step ROADMAP to High School by talking to parents, students, school counselors, educational experts and others to help you find the right path for your child at any given point along their educational adventure.

The key, we believe, is remembering who your child is– what is her passion, her interests and her talent and how can the resources, the schools and the opportunities in NYC support your child and put her on the best path to explore and develop that passion?

Clearly, there is no single path, but we hope this ROADMAP to High School helps you find your footing.