Tag: camps

Did You Say FREE?

For NYC kids, summer is only a week away, so don’t miss P.A.L.’s final Spring 2012 wrap-up FREE event –with great giveaways throughout the evening–and learn how to support your child’s gifts, talents and interests this summer and all year long. Supporting Your Child’s Gifts & Talents: A Talent Development Roundtable, is this Tuesday, June 12 at 6:30 pm for…

The Gifted &Talented Smörgåsbord

Smörgåsbord. I love that word… it reminds me of Florida restaurants I frequented in the summers with my dad and grandparents growing up. They offered loads of bland, under-salted, over-processed food, but the dessert buffet was amazing. Or so it was to a sugar addict who was plenty satisfied with chocolate pudding and whipped cream. But I digress… This month-…