60 Days of Summer Fun… #4- The Summer Bucket List

First, Happy 4th of July! As you eat your turkey hotdogs and grass-fed hamburgers this Independence Day, take a moment to cherish the beauty of summer… the family time… and the opportunities for new experiences.

Speaking of new experiences, I’m on a Bucket List kick. When I thought we were moving from NYC a few years ago, I made a Leaving NYC Bucket List, but this summer, I’ve created a new list: The 2014 Summer Bucket List. People apparently have taken this concept to the next level by documenting the ideas via Pinterest, or having their kids create their own Summer Bucket Lists, creating idea jars and keyrings for when the kiddos get bored.

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I love this idea, and it gives you loads of activities to consider for rainy days and those days that are a bit less inspired. Since all Bucket Lists are about things you want to do but haven’t yet, be sure to let your kids make their own or have a voice in the ideas for it. But don’t let that stop you from making one for your family based on memories from your childhood or things you keep saying you want to do but haven’t.

Here is our family Summer Bucket List for inspiration:

Support a Budding Entrepreneur  

Master Multiplication  through games and fun, daily

Read a Book Together a la The Princess Bride style read aloud

Learn something together  how to swim (better), how to row, coding,  IMovie, 3D printing, etc

Let her sit on my lap and steer the car (in a driveway or empty lot, of course)

Teach her to ride a bike, finally

Camp Out

Go on her first sleepover

See a kitten being born

Find a new band

Go see a concert /live music together

Have a water balloon fight/ use water balloons for  target practice

 Go to a Baseball game

 Create an awesome indoor fort on a rainy day

 Enjoy an outdoor movie night or drive-in movie

 Encourage her to step out of her comfort zone

 Teach her how to wash a car

 Go fishing

 Learn to Ride a horse like a pro

 Make some Kid Koncoctions

 Paddle Board together

 Make homemade root beer

 Foster an animal

 Star Gaze Together

 Make a terrarium

 Decoupage together

 Share my love of photography with her

 Have Fun with Science-  make a lava lamp

 Dip in a swimming hole

 Model random acts of kindness  

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