The 30,000 Ft View

As my kiddo prepares to take the ISEE and SHSAT and consider her high school options, I find myself realizing that rather than stress her out, I need a solid lay of the land. So who better to reach out to than experts and parents who’ve traveled this road before us.

We are launching the ROADMAP to High School to help all families as they begin the journey to find the right path for their child among NYC’s extensive valley of school options and great programs.

So we’ll begin with the 30,000 foot view and hone in on the specifics. We’ll step back and look at the big picture of high school with the end goal of finding the right fit college. We won’t get caught up in ‘best’ or ‘top tier,’ but rather right choice for my child. We hope to help make the process a smooth and as stress-free as possible for you too.

Each blog post, we’ll focus on a different piece of the puzzle and help you create a cohesive checklist that you can reference under the RoadMap to High School Tab at the top of this page.

Check back often, and please share your recommendations and tips with us so we can help others! We’re in this together, and determined to take the stress and anxiety away from our kids so they can enjoy what remains of their childhood.

  One thought on “The 30,000 Ft View

  1. Urvi
    February 21, 2018 at 11:55 am

    I’m excited for this! I NEED it!

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